The following is a partial list of research articles and published works

Alford, A. Pyramid of Secrets. Eridu Books, UK, 2003.
Brewer, C. and Coope, V. Effectiveness of Vibroacoustic Music for Pain and Symptom Management in Outpatient Chemotherapy Treatment. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, 2000.
Butler, C. and Butler , C.J. (1997) Physioacoustic Therapy with Cardiac surgery patients. In Wigram, T. and Dileo, C. Music Vibration and Health. New Jersey; Jeffrey Books.
Estes, D. Vibrational Science – Articles by Don Estes.
Harner, M. The Way of the Shaman, Harper. 1990.
InnerSoulutions. Developer of the Tranquility Liquid Sound Table™.
Lundeberg, T. Long-term results of vibratory stimulation as a relieving measure for chronic pain. Pain, 1984a; 20, 13-23.
National Institute of Health. Symptom Change from Single VibroAcoustic Session. 1999 (this study continued beyond the publication of the original study).
Patrick, G. The effects of vibroacoustic music on symptom reduction: inducing the relaxation response through good vibrations. IEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology. March/April, 1999; 97-100.
Reid, J. Stuart. Rediscovering the art and science of sound healing. Caduceus. Summer 2007.
Skille, O. Manual of Vibroacoustics. Norway: ISVA Publications. 1991.
Spintge, R. Music and Surgery and Pain Therapy. Unpublished paper. 1993.
Standley, J. Music as a therapeutic intervention in medical and dental treatment: research and clinical applications. The Art and Science of Music Therapy: A Handbook. London: Harwood Academic. 1995.
Wigram, T. The Effect of VA Therapy on Multiply Handicapped Adults with High Muscle Tone and Spasticity. Music Vibration and Health. New Jersey: Jeffery Books. 1997(a).
Williams, S. Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy in Pain Management. Practical Pain Management. March, 2013.
Published Research
The Effects of Vibroacoustic Music on Symptom Reduction Inducing the Relaxation Response
The Effects of Sound Wave Vibration Therapy on Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Fetal Vibroacoustic Stimulation for Facilitation of Tests of Fetal Wellbeing
The Power of Sound (Excerpts) Joshua Leeds. Published by Healing Arts Press. (C) 2001
Study on Release Sleep Disturbance With Vibroacoustic Therapy